A gently metallic texture for interiors, with soft pearl effects


Animamundi per Esterni is a decorative micro-coating, available also with an exterior acril-siloxaneoption for exterior applications, over substrates properly prepared with RustOn


Animamundi per Esternihas a soft metallic sheen, with a gentle pearl effect and prominent texture.No extra superficialprotection needed.



Spreading capacity

[ 3-6 m²/l in two layers if applied on RustOn Fondo; 2-5 m²/l in two layers if applied on RustOn Fondo Grosso ]

Animamundi per Esterni / Technical data sheet en
Animamundi per Esterni / Brochure en
Environmental sheet en
Animamundi per Esterni_new edition / Brochure en
Animamundi per Esterni / Safety data sheet en